

       I am trying this blogging business once more. I tend to start one out strong and then taper off slowly until I disappear. I am a nanny and while that sweet baby girl sleeps I could use the time to blog rather than get fat eating while watching the food network channel. So, Banana Pudding is where I plan to rant and share interesting, or not-so, things that happen in my life. Especially when no one else will listen to me, which I tend to have those days because I am somewhat of a drama queen. The title is random and yummy and one of my favorite desserts. I am like banana pudding: creamy, crunchy, and cool with layers upon layers of different types of sweet and tart personalities. I am all over the place with my likes and dislikes. I make lists constantly. Lists for groceries, projects, things I want to buy or do, foods to try, etc. I want to do so many things and go everywhere, but with a college student's budget and lazy bones I only accomplish like 10% of those goals. So I hope I can stick to this one so that I can have a place to breathe and organize my thoughts. Happy Wednesday!

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